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Pest Control

What Pest Control Pros Will Tell You About Millipedes and Centipedes in Your Home

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atlanta perst control prosIn certain parts of the country, including the American south, pest control pros are called to many homes to eradicate centipedes or millipedes. Although these pests rarely cause problems for humans, people tend to get pretty freaked out when they spot one in their house.

Maybe it’s their length, the centipede’s speedy gait, or all those legs working in tandem, but centipedes and millipedes are some of the most unwelcome creepy-crawlies that pest control professionals deal with. Here are some things that your pest control pros want you to know about millipedes and centipedes in your home.

Eek! What Is That Creepy Crawly?

To determine whether you have centipedes or millipedes on your hands, simply count the sets of legs per body segment. Centipedes have one set of legs per segment, and millipedes have two. If it moves quickly, it’s probably a centipede. If it tends to coil itself up, it’s probably a millipede.

Just in case you are curious, centipedes and millipedes are not insects. They are classified as arthropods because they have several body segments and leg pairs.

Is That Thing Dangerous?

While centipedes and millipedes are mostly harmless pests, nobody wants them crawling around their house. Centipedes are venomous, but their bite rarely causes a severe reaction in humans. Small children or people with other insect-related allergies might require medical attention following a centipede bite. Millipedes are non-venomous and only eat decaying organic matter.

Why Did They Choose MY House?

Centipedes and millipedes like to live in moist, protected areas. They prefer to live outdoors, but will find a way inside a structure if they need to escape unsatisfactory conditions outside.

How Do We Get Rid of Them?

The surest step you can take to rid your home of millipedes or centipedes is to step on them, then sweep or vacuum the remains. To help prevent more from entering your home, keep organic matter like wood chips away from your home’s foundation. Reducing excess moisture is an excellent way to discourage many types of pests from entering your home. Eliminating their food source is another good way to repel centipedes and millipedes. Your pest control professionals should check your home thoroughly for all types of pests and provide treatments according to what they discover.

Unlike many other types of household pests, centipedes and millipedes rarely leave signs of their presence, such as webs/nests or droppings. Most people only know that they have a centipede or millipede problem when they spot the culprits themselves.

North Fulton Pest Solutions understands that you want these long, creepy things out of your home as quickly as possible. Learn more about how our pest control pros can keep your Atlanta area home centipede and millipede-free.